I’m passionate about Veterinary CPR. Here’s why.

It’s my fault, I wish I’d done something different…
What if I’d noticed sooner…
I don’t feel confident with CPR!
Too many times I’ve watched a team member beating themselves up about a negative outcome. I’ve held hands and hugged nurses and PCAS after a crash who felt utterly rubbish.
During Veterinary CPR I’ve watched people trip over cables, frantically try, and put a doppler on the eye. Not forgetting seeing a vet spot a crash in full swing turn on their heels and scarper… Don’t worry they returned!
Veterinary CPR is stressful. There’s no consistent training for veterinary nurses and vets. Some nurses are coming through with both practical and theory training but those are the minority. Yet, it doesn’t have to be like this.
It will always be emotive and draining but it doesn’t have to be terrifying. After a thought-provoking soul-searching weekend back in March I realised that this was something I could help with. Heck it was something I felt I needed to help with. I’m a qualified teacher and have spent a large portion of my time in practice training and teaching. It’s a passion of mine that combines with CPR to create the VetMed CPR Coach.
In a world and time where our mental health is under strain being proactive is so key. It’s easy to write a policy, pop a sticker on the door and have posters on the wall. Sure, these steps may have helped some individuals but after an adverse event conducting a SEA and doing something is far more valuable.
I know from my time in practice I appreciated actions far more the words and I commend anyone that takes the time and energy to do something tangible. So, providing your team with Veterinary CPR training that builds their confidence and improves their skills sets should be standard.
Using EBVM to guide Veterinary CPR means we look to the RECOVER Guidelines. When we look at these and follow the algorithm CPR becomes less frenzied. When we standardise training and have regular simulations our team can build confidence with each other.
I only have to look at the feedback from my sessions to know I’m putting my energy in the right place. Knowing these teams feel more empowered and skilled with Veterinary CPR drives me to keep delivering and improving.
If you want to know more about the RECOVER Guidelines, I highly recommend the Rescuer Certification process, it truly set my soul alight for this and was the start of the journey for me.
Let me know if you do and how you get on!