The CPR 360 Day

Join us on Saturday the 1st of June from 930 am to broaden and expand your CPR knowledge.

This VetMed CPR CPD day has been designed for the GP Nurse or Vet in small animal practice. Held in East Grinstead with lunch included this day will provide those in VetMed with valuable CPR tools.

Throughout the day we will cover a variety of topics, all selected to help you feel more prepared and confident during crash. A full 360 approach to CPR and equipping you to be able to perform basic life support confidently and promptly.

Hosted and delivered by experienced RVN and RECOVER Instructor Samantha Thompson, aka The VetMed CPR Coach.

With guest speak Veterinary Anursethesia aka Courtney Scales delivering sessions all around ECGs and Capnography and how to use these to give us a heads up.

Session 1:

‘What are you currently doing and how to make quick wins’ is the first session of the day. It may surprise you how much you can improve your CPR with this.

Often the smallest tweak or addition can have a significant impact on the way we work, CPR is no different. During this session we will walk through an audit of the current set up.

Using the included paperwork in your resource pack we will critically analyse what you are currently doing in practice.

Changes could include the addition of equipment, changes to ways of working or simply adding a resource. How to deliver those changes to the rest of team is also important and we will look at how best to do this

Session 2:

‘That Saturday morning crash’

We’ve all been there! It’s just you, a vet and a support team member.

What do you do?

What tasks do you prioritise and who can do what?

This session will discuss how to deal with that Saturday morning Crash and what steps we can take to allow us to do the best we can in those situations.

Exploring how we also cope with the feelings we are left with after an event like this

Session 3- information to follow- guest speaker
Session 4:

‘Supporting Documents and how to use them’

A crash is not an exam and nor is it a memory test. There is no shame in using documents and resources to guide and support you during a highly stressful situation that hopefully rarely occurs. Throughout the session the use and creation of these documents will be discussed and some lateral thinking will be encouraged. What are the barriers to using these tools? How do make them relevant to our practice? This and more will be analysed leaving you feeling more equipped to deal with a CPA under anaesthesia.

Practical Workshop

The highlight of the day, a 90 minute session to perfect your BLS skills! In small groups with plenty of hands on practical to allow you to develop those practical skills, create long term memories and provide you the chance to practice in a supportive environment. The day is capped at 20 attendees to allow maximum participation and guidance.

CPR 360 Day FAQS:

Where is the event held?

The day is at the Jubilee Community Centre which is excellently located in East Grinstead. The centre has car parking and is in walking distance to the train station

How many CPD Hours?

The day starts at 9.30am and finishes at 4.30pm with an hour for lunch, time for Q&As at the end and providing you with 6 hours of CPD. Plus there will be a follow up Virtual Meeting which allows you to accrue another hour.

Will there be lunch?

Yes our wonderful friends at Pioneer Veterinary have kindly sponsored lunch for us. Allowing me to pass that saving onto you.

Sounds great- how do I book?

tickets are just £120 and can be booked here